Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για calendar day
1. A Member of the House may make the motion only on the day after the calendar day on which the Member announces to the House the Member’s intention to do so.
2. On or after the third calendar day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays, except when the House of Representatives is in session on such a day) after the date on which the committee to which a joint resolution is referred has reported, or has been discharged from further consideration of, such a joint resolution, it shall be in order for any Member of the House to move to proceed to the consideration of the joint resolution.
3. Russians have a handy word that we lack: ńóňę'; (a 24–hour period). This can be from midnight to midnight (a calendar day) or any 24–hour period. Îíŕ ěĺäńĺńňđŕ '; đŕáîňŕĺň ńóňę';, ń äĺâH';ň'; óňđŕ äî äĺâH';ň'; óňđŕ. (She‘s a nurse and works a 24–hour shift, from ' a.m. to ' a.m.) It‘s also the word you use when reserving a hotel room: Ěíĺ őîňĺëîńü á$'; çŕáđîí';đîâŕňü íîěĺđ íŕ äâîĺ ńóňîę. (I want to book a room for two nights.) In Russian, óňđî (morning) means the start of the day –– when a person gets up or when the world gets going. '6;îáđîĺ óňđî (good morning) is what you mumble or gush (depending on mood and years of conjugal living) to your significant other when you first stumble out of bed.